If you visit a net cafe and the person who visited the same net cafe before you left the password as remember under Asterisk. you will be very eager to know what is the password right here it is .
which looks like above image .
Now right click on the password.
Select Inspect elements(Q)
Press Q on your keyboard
Now a window appear from the Bottom which looks like below image
In image you see that type="password".
Now double Click on the Password and Change it to text i.e., (type="text") then press Enter.
Now you are able to see the Password Under the asterisk.
Like above image You are able to see the hidden password.
which looks like above image .
Now right click on the password.
Select Inspect elements(Q)
Press Q on your keyboard
Now a window appear from the Bottom which looks like below image
In image you see that type="password".
Now double Click on the Password and Change it to text i.e., (type="text") then press Enter.
Now you are able to see the Password Under the asterisk.
Like above image You are able to see the hidden password.
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How to reveal Password Behind stars/Asterisk
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